January 2023

“The place of the Army in North African Constitutions: A Comparative Study in Law comparing Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia”

“The place of the Army in North African Constitutions: A Comparative Study in Law comparing Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia”     In North Africa, the last four years have been marked by Egypt’s 2019 Constitutional amendments that conferred..

January 2023

Mines as a Weapon of War in Post-Revolution Libya: Chronicles of a Plague.

Mines as a Weapon of War in Post-Revolution Libya: Chronicles of a Plague.   The numerous conflicts that have torn apart post-revolution Libya have, those last years, been marked by persistent violence interrupted by short periods of calm. Several civil..

December 2022

The Geopolitics of Sport in North Africa: “From the diplomacy of briefcases to that of Sneakers”

The Geopolitics of Sport in North Africa: “From the diplomacy of briefcases to that of Sneakers”     Since time immemorial, sports and politics have been intricately linked. One need only look at the Olympics in ancient Greece. Indeed, sports..

November 2022

Podcast COP27: A Political Gift for El-Sisi’s ?

This new episode takes us to Egypt, the country is under the spotlights for organizing the COP 27 in a particularly tense period for human rights

November 2022

Podcast COP27: A Political Gift for El-Sisi’s ? This new episode takes us to Egypt, the country is under the spotlights for organizing the COP 27 in a particularly tense period for human rights

October 2022

L’impasse Libyenne

North Africa Talks reçoit aujourd’hui le chercheur spécialiste du dossier libyen Jalel Harchaoui, pour nous parler des derniers événements qui ont secoué Tripoli et les luttes pour la prise de pouvoir qui s’y déroulent, du jeu des puissances internationales et..

October 2022

Jihadism in Sahel and spillover risks towards north Africa

North Africa Talks welcomes Alex Thurston, an expert on Jihadism in the North Africa-Sahel region, to talk about the security situation in the region and emerging trends and risks.

October 2022

Jihadism in Sahel and spillover risks towards north Africa

North Africa Talks welcomes Alex Thruston, an expert on Jihadism in the North Africa-Sahel region, to talk about the security situation in the region and emerging trends and risks.  

August 2022

The war in Ukraine divides Africa

  After two months of inconclusive attempts, Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelynsky succeeded on June 20 in addressing African representatives at a closed-door meeting of the African Union in Addis Ababa.[1] Since Ukraine’s independence in 1991, Kiev has never shown any..

June 2022

Diplomats, spies and arms dealers: Turkey’s Great Game in North Africa

Tika, Müsiad, Tüsiad, Sadat, all these bizarre acronyms that are actually the hidden face of Turkey’s global strategy in Africa and North Africa especially, which has experienced a significant change in Turkey’s commitment between 2009 and 2022. It must be..

March 2022

There is war in Europe – Africa is looking for its position

On 2 March 2022, during a United Nations General Assembly vote, the large majority of UN member states condemned Russia’s war of aggression on Ukraine. Only Belarus, North Korea and Syria, along with one African country, Eritrea, voted with Russia..