April 16, 2021

Webinar: Counterrevolution and Revolutionary discontent: Syria, Libya, Yemen & Bahrain

Webinar about “Counterrevolution and Revolutionary discontent: Syria, Libya, Yemen & Bahrain “

February 05, 2021

The Arab uprisings a decade on: Egypt and Tunisia (Webinar)

This webinar is the first of a series – each with a different focus and angle -and will focus on Tunisia and Egypt, the birthplace of the magnificent revolts. The aim is to revisit these historical moments with some of the finest scholar-activists, participants and witnesses from those very contexts. Together we shall reflect on some of the key achievements and defeats and draw new lessons.

July 2020

Action Matters: Six success stories of struggles for commons in Africa

The continuous advance of neoliberal capitalism even in the context of systemic crisis has led to many questions about the lack of effective answers from the Left in general, and from progressive social movement organizations in particular. Many critics argue..

July 2020

COVID-19 Is Grist to the Border Regime Mill

Months after the coronavirus outbreak turned into a global health crisis, it is still unclear how the pandemic will affect social inequalities, economies, and migration movements in the mid and long term

April 2020

The feminization of precarious work

Nine texts from five countries, covering different work sectors. This folder portrays female characters, with paths that call for affection, admiration and respect.

Research paper
February 2020

What Democracy for Tunisian Workers?

This paper attempts to highlight how the post -2011 top- down neoliberal, macroeconomic reform program is at odds with the popular demands expressed in a bottom up mobilization of Tunisian workers struggling not only for jobs but for better conditions and more rights.

January 2020

Who was Rosa Luxemburg

Rosa Luxemburg was a radical, a a rabble-rouser and a revolutionary. She was one of the most important thinkers of the 20th century and her calls for freedom, socialism and democracy scandalised people at the time both from the left..

January 2020

K is for Karl

K is for Karl – A Series of 5 Films by Paul Mason on the meaning of Marx today «Why does Marx matter today?» is the question posed by British journalist and filmmaker Paul Mason in five short films produced..

January 2020

Migrations: stuck in transit countries stories

The massive movement of displacement taking place today (more than 68.5 million people on the roads in the world) cannot be considered as a product of “crises” limited to the presence of conflicts or civil wars, racial or religious persecution, or even as a product of Europe’s attractiveness/dream or paradise, as it is sometimes said as an explanation of the migrants’ movement towards it.

January 2020

The land issue

In recent decades, beginning with the domination of the neoliberal era, great changes have occurred in the whole world in the “land issue”, ownership and management, and regarding the quality of the products themselves.

January 2020

Submission and disobedience

In this book, we deal with one phenomenon in detail, which is protest movements, social movements, or political movements.

January 2020

Copts in modern Egypt

What is meant by the Coptic question is the crisis related to the discrimination faced by Copts in the modern era, whose laws and principles impose equality between citizens, regardless of religious affiliation