The overall goal of the RLS’s North Africa Office – established in July 2013 in Tunis – is the promotion of innovative and creative initiatives in the region, to support social justice, bottom-up political participation, and cross-societal dialogue. We cooperate with people and political representatives from the region and work with progressive NGOs, unions, social movements, think-tanks and alternative media platforms.
The RLS cooperates with local organizations through academic, logistical and/or financial cooperation. The aim of our work is a joint learning process of different parts of the world through knowledge production and dissemination via lectures, research, trainings, study visits, publications, and socially engaged artistic productions.
Our main focus is the study of the relations between Europe and North Africa and how they affect societies and people. These relations are manifold and include European policies vis-à-vis North African countries, trade relations, debt policy, development aid, public and private investments etc. We strive for international relations in the spirit of solidarity and social justice. We therefore – and within the framework of our means – support finding alternatives to policies that exploit societies and people and that prevent sovereign development.