June 2017

“People, by their common experiences and struggles, can break sectarianism.”

Interview with the academic and activist Joseph Daher on his new book on the political economy of the Hezbollah, about sectarianism and protest movements in Western Asia and North Africa.

Research paper
May 2017

Alternative Economy in the Arab Region

“Alternative economy in the Arab region : concepts and issues“ by the Arab Forum for Alternatives (AFA) explores, through case studies , existing and possible economic alternatives from different countries (i.e Jemna oasis in Tunisia, Srifa cooperative in Lebanon, Nubaseed..

Research paper
May 2017

Social disparities and class distinction in the Arab region

The publication “Social disparities in the Arab region“ by the Arab Forum for Alternatives (AFA) from Egypt diagnoses social disparities in several countries of North Africa and Western Asia that are characterized by different political paths and specific social contexts..

Research paper
May 2017

Protest Movements in Morocco and the Role of the Political Left in Mobilization against Neoliberal Policies

In Morocco, the experience of the 20 February Movement indicated that the left faces real dilemmas. Some of its currents refused to get involved in the Movement due to the presence of obscurantist forces, while other currents drew closer to..

Research paper
December 2016

Free trade agreements – Colonial agreements against the people

This book by Attac Maroc was originally published in 2015 in Arabic and French and is geared towards readers in Morocco who want to learn more about the devastating effects of trade agreements on the country. We have translated it..

December 2016

EU-Tunisia: Illusion of peace and shared prosperity

The long-awaited Tunisia 2020 investment conference was concluded on 30 November. During this conference, The European Union reiterated its support to Tunisia, but the high cost of the EU policy-based loan strategy is in stark contrast with the meager support..

November 2016

Odyssey of the Alternatives Ibn Battuta

A group of civil society organizations used the momentum of the preparation for the COP22, for strengthening a Euro-African movement for climate justice. An “Odyssey of the Alternatives” has been sailing across the Mediterranean since 19 October. It will participate..

Research paper
November 2016

The Struggle for Energy Democracy in the Maghreb

The European Union and its member states claim that its international relations are guided by values and principles based on democracy and human rights. Countless projects are financed and implemented in this regard. Europe’s hunger for energy is no exception..

October 2016

“About the revolution, the party and the decline of capitalism” Discussion on the occasion of the presentation of translated texts by Rosa Luxemburg

How relevant are Rosa Luxemburg’s analyses today? How does Tunisia’s left discuss her thoughts within the current context? On October 14, a text collection of Rosa Luxemburg, translated into Arabic, was presented at the North Africa office of the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung..