Workshop on “Political Economy, Knowledge, Solidarity, and Liberation: From Asia to Africa”
The Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung- North Africa office, the Afro-Asian Futures Past Research Program (American University of Beirut), the Frantz Fanon Foundation and the Tricontinental Institute for Social Research organized a three days closed workshop that brought together scholars, activists, organizations and artists whose work on political economy, knowledge production, solidarity and liberation in Asia and Africa is informed by critical and insurgent methodologies, concepts, theoretical frameworks and political projects associated with anti- imperialism, anti-colonialism, anti-capitalism and different forms of transnational solidarities. Participants each presented a piece of work relevant to the different themes, answering questions like: What kinds of transformative educational projects have developed or can be developed out of the knowledge production rethinking that you are outlining in your paper? How are these projects used or could be used to propel the oppressed to challenge the status-quo and to develop a new people-centered society? What are the connections between past and contemporary forms of accumulation in your explored research topic or case study? What are the different forms of solidarity you identify and examine in your work? How do/did the movements/organizations/struggles you are researching/working with understand systems of domination and exploitation including capitalism/colonialism/imperialism/patriarchy/racism – and the relation between them? What are some of the concrete lessons we can learn from the experiences of the movements/organizations/struggles in terms of achieving liberation in the current context?